Home Modification

As you age or recover from an injury, you might find certain features of your current home difficult to navigate. Maybe there are too many stairs, narrow doorways, switches in the wrong place, slippery floors, narrow access to bathrooms, or no support rails. This is where professional home modification services can help.


You don’t necessarily need to move to a new house, because many existing homes can be modified to suit your changing requirements. Home modifications can be a simple refurbishment, such as installing some handrails, or complex, such as a renovation that reconfigures the layout of the home. It all depends on what needs to be modified to allow you and your family to live independently.

How Revive Building Solutions can modify your home

Our home modification services enable you to remain independent, mobile and safe in your existing home for longer, or while recovering from major health issues and adapting to your new accessibility needs. Our services include a range of home modification designs and installations, from grab rails and handrails right through to converting bath hobs to walk-in shower cavities. We can redesign and modify any part of an existing home to make it more accessible for aged care residents or those in recovery. We offer both internal and external home modification services, including concrete ramps, chairlifts for stairways and more.

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